Principal's Message

Dear Parents,

A new session has begun and as I welcome the children back to school, I feel it is my duty to once again remind you of the school rules where students are concerned and seek your co-operation in monitoring your wards to abide by the same :

  • 1. Respect punctuality - concentrate on timely arrival to school.
  • 2. Wear the prescribed uniform to school - both in summer and in winter.
  • 3. Avoid bunking from school and from classes.
  • 4. Respect school property.
  • 5. Behaviour in the school bus should be exemplary.
  • 6. Avoid the use of abusive language.
  • 7. Parents should check their child's school bag. Please send only what is required for the day.
  • 8. Cash carried by the students to school should be monitored.
  • 9. Cheating in exams is strictly prohibited.
  • 10.For leave - a letter to the Class Teacher is required if it is for one day, for 3 days - a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress and for longer leave - a letter should be given to the Principal. If long leave is taken without permission, the student's name will be struck off the rolls. Seventy five percent attendance in school is a must.
  • 11.Kindly ensure that the school fee is paid on time. Reminders cause unnecessary embarrassment to the child.
  • 12.All cases relating to discipline will be handled by the Discipline Committee and followed up by the Counsellor.

With regards

Your Sincerely
(Ritu Jain)  