Founding Chairman

"A nation will be known by its people and the people will be known by their education and their culture"

The 21st Century holds a promise for a bigger, better and brighter future. The scope for growth is tremendous. All this can be attributed to the technological awakening witnessed world over.

India as a country is being recognized throughout the globe as a major centre of human resource center. Since half of India's population is younger than 25, it gives the country a potential edge as a young population—however whether India can benefit from its young population will depend on economic development and equitable social development. Education will play an important role to a better economy. This will propel India to emerge as a world economic superpower by year 2020. This can only be realized by imparting quality education specially focused on development of "KASSM" (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Social and Moral Values).

Ryanites are "Kings and Queens in the Making". Our institutions provide a learning environment that is adaptable and flexible, facilitating potential changes in the higher education pattern. The learning environment is also used as a strategic tool to power and excel. This is done with an objective to support the new learning paradigm that provides learning for students in a manner most suited for them.

Train up a child in the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverb 22:6

The challenge lies in utilizing the changing learning patterns with changes in methods of instructions coupled with technological advancements, to create an educational experience that will influence the all round development of students and uphold our commitment towards nation building.